Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I despise school. It has overtaken my life. For instance, I couldn't go to Campus Crusade with Jenshka tonight because I have so much homework. Likewise I will have to skip church tomorrow for a not-quite-mandatory-but-extremely-encouraged study session for my economics test friday. How do people balance all of this stuff? I have no idea. I've spent 2 hours on homework already and who knows how much longer I have. I've only done the homework for one of my classes so far. And where the heck does sleep fall into all of this? Quite honestly, I would quit putting so much effort into school except that a certain scholarship depends entirely on the grades I make, so that's not really an option.
"Someone please save us, us college kids...
Oh no! not for me, not for me
Call it torture, call it university
No! Arts and crafts is all I need
I'll take calligraphy and then I'll make a fake degree"
Sounds like a plan. Besides, I thought college was supposed to make you feel smarter and I've never felt so dumb in my entire life. Oh well. The semester will be over in December, which feels like an eternity, but will probably go by fairly fast. At least I pray so.
Well, it's on to economics. Arrivederci!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

CALYN! I am totally feelin ya! :-P
Sometimes I just wanna get in my car and drive away... just drive and drive and drive... :-D
Love you!

Calyn said...

Ahhh! Spam!!!

Calyn said...

I love you too, Arielle!

Anonymous said...

Relient K knew what was up when they wrote that song...always listen to what they have to say!
Stay strong...school sucks but it is just something we have to do. They are just trying to break you...ohh and if you need help with economics, it is my major :)

"not for me, not for me call it torture call it UNIVERSITY!"

Jim said...

Actually you must stay in college because you can't become President without a college degree. Of course, once your elected you can try and get that all changed and help those coming after you.

TX said...

YO, Calyn!
I'm glad to get messages on the phone.
But at 3 a.m.????????!!!!!!
you're lucky! cause i didn't sleep.
In any case it's so cool, that you have met Oleg V.
by the theme- i hate school too.
well, have a nice week!!!!!!

p.s.That's great you figurated how to send sms.
also the most festest way to send sms from the net is to send messages from your e-mail on 380976849596@2sms.kyivstar.net
and don't forget about 160 symbols limit

Jenshka said...

I feel ya sister...