Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Hugh Jackman, Michael Moore, Meg Ryan and Ghandi

I am sitting here quite comfortably tonight in a oversized blue sweatshirt and Jenna's penguin pajama pants and I have a confession to make. I am not watching the Yankees play the Angels. In fact, I only turned to ESPN one time. Instead I am watching Kate and Leopold on TBS. I'm sorry, Todd. I've failed you. There's just something about that movie. If only all guys hailed from the 18th respectful, so polite, so...nice. Although, a guy at school did hold the door open for me today. He didn't have a British accent, however. And Hugh Jackson with a British accent AND from the 18th century is hard to beat. "E" for effort, though.
Today was a busy day. I hate it when people just list the things they do during the day because, quite honestly, it's very boring, but my entire day really was a long list of happenings, however I won't bore you with the details. Things of note were: an encounter with a young buzzed-cut man wearing a suit and tie with a large sign that exclaimed,
"The End is Near! -so come see my band,"
a viewing of a documentary made by one of my *cough* favorite people in the world, Michael Moore (fortunately having nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It was made in 1988, and although a Bush was in office then, he was not mentioned.), getting tutored in the pronunciation of the Serbian alphabet by my Serbian economics teacher, Dr. Adomovich, and a visit to the beloved home of fine latin-american cuisine, El Taco Bell where I purchased a soft taco and a beef supreme gordita. It doesn't get much better than that.
Before I forget, the infamous Lerah Ashburn has finally created a blog! Well, a xanga, actually, but we won't fault her for that. :0) The address is:
Well, I'm gonna go watch Meg Ryan fall in love. Oh, one last thing. My Mom sent me this forward today, and I thought it was really funny. Reminds me of a song...

Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him rather frail and with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made him ..(Oh, man, this is so bad, it's good).... A super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.
If you're staring at that going, "I don't get it," go watch Mary Poppins. It'll clear it up for ya. Arrivederci!


OMH said...

Gotta say I loved the Ghandi thing!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey this is Abby, and i thought that you might like to see the update on my xanga.

And I had to tell you that my paternal great grandfather was from Croatia (that makes me 1/4 Croatian), which used at that time the Serbo-croatian, or Croati- something language! AND IT IS VERY DISTANLY RELATED TO RUSSIAN AND UKRAINIAN!!!!