Sunday, October 09, 2005

Where's That Darn Snooze Button

I haven't died. I really haven't. Jenna was like, "Calyn, if you don't post on your blog for 2 days we have to check to see if you're still alive." So I'm posting so that all of you don't think I've gone off to the happy hunting ground or anything. I should be studying for a geography midterm right now, but I'm not. I came home to do that and installed powerpoint and just printed out like, 50 gazillion pages of notes and I'm trying to get myself motivated about learning all of that. .. Nope. Still not excited.
Me and Lerah and Jenna had another Lost party last night. We got home from Grace's Birthday Party (happy birthday, Grace!) and I watched the last few minutes of the Ohio State/Penn State Game (heck, yes, Penn State! So good.) and then we started watching Lost. They found Claire. We were so relieved. Too bad she has amnesia...And we made our famous can of diet soda carrot cake cupcakes and drank coke zero, so we were very happy people. At about 2:05 last night (in the midst of the fourth episode of disc 4) I hear my cellphone going off and Jenna says, "Carli!" And I say, "or Jake." Sure enough, on the screen reads "Jake E. Poo" so I pick it up and I say, "Um, hello?" and I hear "Why are you still awake?" And I say, "Why are you calling me if you thought I'd be asleep?" And he says, "Well, it's like this. Listen, you know how when we were in Ukraine and I would ask Lori, 'Hey, Lori. You want some chocolate?' knowing good and well she'd say no because she doesn't like chocolate and I was just asking so that I would look like a nice person when really I knew she wasn't gonna take my chocolate?" And I was like, "um, yeah" and then he says, "Well, I was just calling so that next time we talk I could be like, 'oh, hey. I called you.'"
I'm not really sure what all that was about because it was after 2 in the morning, but it was pretty funny and made me laugh. So we went to bed at like, 3, which wasn't good because we had to get up at 8:15 this morning. Why, why, why? So now I'm really tired, but I will have to survive until after wednesday...if I can just make it until Wednesday...Cause I get to sleep in on Thursday mornings and that's the only way I make it. I just tell myself, "It's okay. Thursday's only 3 days away," or whatever.
So the girls of Pink Carpet Bible Study have decided that we're having a hair dying party, which I think is pretty awesome because a bunch of us were talking about wanting to dye our hair, so we're getting together at 6:00 to buy hair color and we're gonna dye our hair. Not anything weird, like pink (although pink would be rather appropriate for Pink Carpet Bible Study) just normal stuff. And not permanent. Just the 24-wash kind. Well, I think Lerah's gonna do permanent, but she's a pretty capable hair dyer, so she should be fine.
Pues, I had lots of stuff to blog about but I can't remember it at the moment. Actually, I dont' remember a whole lot at the moment 1.) because my mind is occupied by geography definitions and economics notes and 2.) because my memory lives 6,000 miles away, so it's not a real efficient system.

1 comment:

Jenshka said...

I can't wait!