This is it. 64 beautiful ounces. That is a half a gallon, people.
Okay, the story. So, Carli really likes Slurpees from 7 Eleven and so me, her, Chaz, Jenna, Nicole and Trishka went to 7 Eleven to get them. Well, I'm not a big fan. I tried one and I sorta choked on it, and I coughed for about 5 straight minutes, so I was just gonna get a 20-ounce drink. Then I spotted this. Only 20 cents more than a 20-ounce coke, people. I was thinking, "That is the most amazing cup ever." It's plastic, washable and I can't even hold it in one hand. It was going to be my souvenir from Orlando. Some people pick up a stuffed Shamu, others Mickey Mouse action figure, but I would be taking home a 64-ounce, half gallon cup from a 7 Eleven outside Eustice. And it rocks the house.
This was taken last night at youth. Lerah is quite possibly the coolest person ever.
Yeah, so I come around the corner at youth last night and Kenley's rolling around on the floor. I have no idea why. Honestly I don't really care. The fact that he was rolling on the floor was enough for me. :0) Maybe he had a reason; maybe he just wanted to roll around on the floor. The world may never know. He should go on one of those "only you can prevent forest fires" commercials, because he's definitely got "Stop, Drop, and Roll" down.
I'm emailing my favorite person ever and then I'm going to bed. Arrivederci!
bens says poke!
ben... team 1
Calyn, I love you. =) My friend Heather wrote me a note today and she mentioned you in it (we were talking about Ukraine) and she spelled your name Callin. I don't know why it amused me.
you might want to resend the e-mail. I didn't get it.
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