Friday, January 06, 2006

The Adventures of Calyn, Jenna, Sarah and Carli

It's that time again. The time of the day where I post a gazillion pictures that only a few people probably have the time to look at all of them although I do not fault them for that because I take an ungodly amount of pictures. So, yesterday me, Jenna and Sarah drove down to Gainsville to meet Carli and we hung out at the Oak Mall.

This is us plopped down on one of those huge beanbag-pulls-into-a-bed things. I waaant that.

We ate some Chinese food.

No one will ever find me.

Jenna, Sarah and Carli at the kid's table.

I could so take that guy.

Sarah found this awesome kiss sticker somewhere.

We wrote Lori's name in the little kid sand machine.

People in Gainesville are sickneningly obsessed with gator paraphenelia. Gators everywhere!

It's okay. We tomahawked this one and left it in pieces.

Next we called Mr. Robbin and found out where that church that Jenna had her little accident was. Most of you who know Jenna know that she has a huge scar running down her left leg. That was from the bike trip when we stopped at Countryside Baptist church to sing 3 years ago and she jumped out of a tree and a picnic table jumped up and bit her.

This is the tree.

It just looked so real.

Why, Carli, what long arms you have.

Jenna with her blue lollipop teeth.

Sarah and Jenna having a little too much fun with their lollipops

We looked for the "oklahoma" guy but he was golfing that day.

Next it was off to find a playground. We tried for quite a while and eventually stopped at "Play it again sports" to ask where one was and also to see if they had pink kleets for Sarah.

This was the best playground ever!

We love swings!

Awwww, Carli pushed me.

Next it was off to the merry-go-round.

We all felt like we were going to throw up after about 20 minutes of that.

Sarah's going to eat us all.


I wish we had a playground like this at home...

We bullied all the little kids out of the slide...just kidding.


I think this is my absolute favorite picture of Carli.

Don't worry, I have one that's just as bad...embrace the ugly pictures, embrace the ugly pictures...

We never really could get all of us in...

Oh well. "E" for effort.

Maybe 3's the magical number.

Yup, that's it.

It was huge. See that little white thing? That was a house, Lori...

Well, that's one way to get everybody in.


1 comment:

Jenshka said...

I just realized that your picture says "we ate Chinese food" and you're holding a cup from that cheesteak place.