Sunday, January 15, 2006

At the Myricks Again, I Can't Wait to Be at the Myricks Again. Somethin' about makin' music with my friends...

Brandon Myrick is probably the funniest person I know. Like, seriously. He can just walk into a room and I start laughing. Actually, I think I did that a couple of times tonight. He has this random funniness that makes me crack up. Like, me, Jenna and Chris are talking about pedicures or something like that and Brandon just walks in and says, "So, there's a lot of possum stuff going on around here."
He goes to Publix this morning to buy some milk for his cereal and he sees these key-chain sharpies. Now, Brandon isn't really a impulse buyer per se. But he comes back to the house and goes on and on about how he bought these four key-chain sharpies. Their names are as follows: Will, Bill, Phil and Henrieta. (He wants me to make sure I only put one "t.") Green, turquoise, orange and fuschia( FEW-SHEE-YA!), respectively.

These are what Brandon has. They're amazing. I think we got some of those for Diane.

"Did you know koalas aren't bears?" -Brandon
"yeah." -Me
"I was devestated after i found that out. I mean, your whole life you grow up thinking that they're bears and then...gosh." -Brandon

Anyway, here's a couple pictures of some kumquats (sp.?) imitating Brandon's sharpies and some other random stuff we did before we watched LOST. Arrivederci.

Bill, Henrieta, Phil and Will

Playing with the "coupling" feature on my camera.

Deer in headlights look.

Yeah, i don't know.

My personal favorite. WATCH OUT, BRANDON!


James Morrow, Secretary General of United Nations said...

Ok, W0w!!!! thaht is some crazy brandon killing brandon stuff!!! dang woman! and i don't know how to spell "O"possum either.. ;-) hehe ok bye

Tamara said...

Oh my goodness... Brandon is sooo funny, I seriously just sat here cracking up for several minutes... and Calyn, I think having you around when Brandon is around makes things even funnier because of how funny you think he is, you know what I mean? I love watching you react to him and then I get to react to both of you!! You're the best :)

OMH said...

Coolest feature ever. Man I would love to see you give yourself a hand shake!!!!!! He can really be "Standing here beside myself!"

What kind of camera do you have and how can I make my camera couple pictures?

Anonymous said...

That is the coolest feature ever! I love thee Calyn! I hope you have a wonderful week!