Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I'm LOST without you...

Quote o' the day: "How do they have zoos in Canada?" -Mom
Quote o' the yesterday: "Uggg! My chaps are lipped!" -Chris Myrick

So after an exciting 2 episodes of LOST last night, me and Jenna are finally caught up and a lot of things became much clearer. Suddenly, life just makes sense.
Well, not really.
But now that we've seen the first four episodes of season one, we understand important plot points that we missed. I mean, how could we have missed knowing that Locke was in a wheelchair, or that Kate lived with that old Australian dude, or that that crazy U.S. Marshall guy had shrapnel sticking out of him and Sawyer tried to kill him? You see, when we started watching LOST, we kinda missed the boat that everyone jumped on when, say, it started. Instead we decided to wait until Lerah told us that it was really good and by that point they were almost finished with season one. So we started renting them from Movie Gallery, but they never had the first disc. However, our dreams came true when, Saturday night, they had it! It was very exciting. We got Chris hooked now as well. (Not my Chris, Jenna's Chris.)

I'd just like to give a shout-out to the Steelers. Most of you probably don't care, but my beloved Steelers have only to beat the Broncos and they will be in the Super Bowl. It's pretty much the best thing ever.

Wow, on the news they're talking about some lady that got stuck in a chimney for 6 hours. Every day I'm amazed at the stupidity of people. I mean, you think you've heard it all, and then, no. They come up with something better. Of course, one day I'm gonna be laughing at the T.V. over something like this and then find out Alec Waller was involved...It will happen eventually. Well, I'm in a rather uncreative, anti-writing mood, so I'm gonna do something more exciting now. Arrivederci!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had to wait until my mom told me it was good. I thought it was stupid when it first started. My mother.. is a genius.
And I, Lerah Ashburn, take after her. (Except.. not. =D)

LOST takes over your mind though. Its not right.