Friday, January 20, 2006

Lions and Tigers and Camels! Oy vey!

Currently Watching
With Fire and Sword -- Ogniem i mieczem
see related
So, I'm driving down the road in the middle of town (Old Bainbridge by I-10 for those of you who live here) and there's these random goats on the side of the road munching on grass. That pretty much made my morning. I just thought I would share that with you. It reminds me of the time when Lori lived in Graceville and she used to make the 2 hour trek back and forth every weekend and one time we were driving back from Graceville on I-10 and there was this little white goat on the side of the interstate just hanging out and I was like, "LORI! We have to rescue it! It's gonna get hit by a car!" But we were in the middle of nowhere and there was really no place for us to put a goat in her car and then we would have no idea who it belonged to because the goat would be in Tallahassee and his home had to have been somewhere that wasn't Tallahassee, and it was just complicated so we didn't pick it up. I guess I have a thing for goats. They're just so cute. My favorite thing to do at the fair is see the goats. Ask Shannon. I don't even like the fair that much, but the petting zoo is by far the best part and the goats are the best thing in the petting zoo. The camel is pretty awesome, but they're always unfriendly. My friend John is going to Egypt this summer and he gets to ride a camel and I'm pretty jealous. Camels are awesome. If anyone's interested in going to Egypt like at the end of the summer-ish, he's spending the summer in Moscow and then going to Egypt for a week and he's trying to find people that want to go. It's only gonna be like, about $700 dollars including airfare. (from Europe.) So, if anybody would love to ride camels and see pyramids let me know and I can hook you up. Come on, you know you want a picture of yourself on a camel. Arrivederci!

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