Saturday, January 07, 2006

It's that Time Again

Well, it's January 7th. You know what that means. Other than the fact that it's Orthodox Christmas (Happy Christmas to those in my favorite place in the Eastern hemisphere) it's about the time when 90% of us have given up on our New Year's resolutions and have jumped into that secret chocolate stash that we've been saving because we knew eventually that the resolution would be broken. I, for one, did not make any resolutions this year because I knew that I wouldn't keep them. I figure my chances are higher of keeping something like a resolution if I don't actually make the resolution and just do it on my own. Work with me here; this is how my thought process goes. Plus, let's face it, January isn't the time to be deciding to work out more and things like that. I mean, gyms raise their membership prices in January just because they know that everyone will be registering. If you're gonna make a committment to work out more, throw everybody off and do it in March. That's a great time. By then no one's left in the gym and you can have it all to yourself. Plus, memberships will probably be cheaper.
I was talking to Susanna Wright the other day and she had made a great resolution. Her New Year's resolution was "to gain 20 lbs." I was rather compuzzled by this and asked her why that would be her pick. I mean, I know she wants to be on the wrestling team and all, but... She said that since she never keeps her resolutions and always ends up doing the opposite, what better resolution to have than gain 20 lbs? Hopefully, she said, that will mean she'll actually lose 20. Smart girl. If only I'd come up with something that brilliant. But, some people have more willpower than me and will actually be able to keep their resolutions. And I salute them.
Micah and Cameron are sitting here playing world of warcraft and I asked them if they made any resolutions. Cameron said, "no." And Micah said, "Uggg, my armor's crap. I need better armor." I don't know if that's a resolution or not. Actually, I don't know if they even heard me at all. Well, there you have it. Arrivederci!


Todd G Sapp said...

Lori told me about that secret stash of chocolate.

Anonymous said...

I've kept mine ... so far =)