Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year's Eve (and well into New Year's Day...)

So New Year's Eve just wouldn't be great without busting out the camera. We had a party and me, Sarah and Lerah watched Back to the Future, which is one of the all-time greatest movies ever, just so you know. Leah and Bekah still haven't seen it...ladies, it's just sad. Anyway, here are pictures from our party.

Me and Sarah. Yeah, it's amazing.

Me and Lerah.

Lerah's such a good teacher. She taught Sarah how to take pictures of herself not looking at the camera.

Lerah wanted to wear an apron just for the heck of it. So Mom gave her one.

We found random photo albums in my closet looking for Scrabble.

Rebekah and Leah getting ready for their Will and Grace marathon.

Us talking on the phone to Jenna, who was out of town. :0(

Jenna's smiling too.

These wooden ball things are in the ends of my parent's bed. They're awesome.

They look like lollipops.

We found this little beetle walking across my carpet. He wasn't very photogenic. Always trying to hide in the carpet...

There he is. I think we named him George.

Oh dear...

Awwww, Santa and his reindeer.



Lori said...

yea for pictures :o) I'm glad you guys had a good new year's party...even if Bekah and Leah are party poopers. :o) they just don't know what they are missing.

Anonymous said...

That was pretty much the best ever.

"Say that again and I'll take a bar of soap, carve it into a drink and through it in your face."

-Lerah (rhymes with Vera. I know.. I am awesome. Like I could totally say, "Lerah has some Vera." or "Lerah with her Vera!" But you might beat me up .. so I won't.)

PS: The thingy was pnuqgh. For some reason it made me think of penuckle or pea-knuckle or whatever it is. Don't know why.

Anonymous said...

*throw =)