Thursday, January 26, 2006

I went to the Wesley foundation tonight and it was awesome! (Except for the part where I had to eat and identify baby food, but I'll forgive them for that. I'm just glad I got the sweet potato one and not beef and peas. Sick. Why do we feed our children that?) I met some really awesome people and I'm excited about that. I would write more, but Russian literature is calling...It says, "Calyn, come read me. Come figure out what the heck I'm saying. Come decipher random archaic phrases that people in Russia don't use and you have surely never heard of." Except, it says it in Russian, which is much more difficult.


Jenshka said...

Wish I coulda been there. :(

James Morrow, Secretary General of United Nations said...

hrmmmm.. sound interesting... alot more interesting than church was on wednesday night.... hehe but it wudn't bad... well okie, i gotta go put some money in the bank and then pay my late car payment.. =/ yikes!