Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Ah, Wednesdays

Today started much better than yesterday. It was a relief when I landed feet first out of my bed (at a decent time) and found my windows to be tightly rolled up when I went to get in my car. I was actually early to school and I made it through my despised sociology class without the normal urges I have to shoot myself, which was nice. My friend, Wilson, accidentally locked himself in his room and couldn't get out, so he called to say he wouldn't be in Russian class today. I felt sorta sorry for him, but then, it was pretty funny. I hope he made it out okay. Poor Wilson. Mr. Scott's back in town, so me, Todd and Jenna dived into his DVC stash. (That's Diet Vanilla Coke to all of you people who may not know about this awesome beverage.)I went to Taco Bell tonight (a.k.a. Tay-co Bell :0) and had the privledge of eavesdropping on a college guy sharing his faith with one of the homeless guys that hangs out outside of Taco Bell. It was incredible. I wish I was that bold. I'm not sure about the homeless guy, but that guy really encouraged me. You never know who you're going to impact when you do things like that. i mean, he probably didn't even know I was there. It's always nice when God reminds you that you're not the only one. Sometimes it seems like I'm so alone in living the Christian life, but it's at those times that God reminds me that he has a "remnant". Kinda like he told Elijah. Anyway, I would love to stay and type more, but unfortunately I've been neglecting my history book for far too long. So, Arrivederci prinsapesas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See what you would have missed out on had I had gas in my truck :o) God is so good and His timing is so perfect :o)

ya loobloo tibya!