Monday, February 14, 2005

National Singleness Awareness Day

Today I feel: Uh, do we really have to go there? A) It's Valentines Day, a holiday of which I'm not real fond of. B) It's Monday. C) It's raining.

No, really, today hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. It turns out I have some really great friends who are also not so fond of Valentines Day, so we decided to get up at 6:00, dress up in really nice clothes, put all our makeup on and....go to the Waffle House. It was great. (For my friends who don't know what a waffle house is, it's this restaurant that serves primarily breakfast food (namely, waffles) and it's open 24-hours a day. It's really cheap. It's not that it's a bad restaurant or anything, it's just not a place that you would dress up to go to.) Anyway, so me, Melissa, Nicole, Leah, Callie and Janelle (not Rebekah because she decided we were not important enough to hang out with and slept in. Shame, shame.) ate at Waffle House this morning and had a great time. Then I went to school and like, nobody was there because it was Monday, it was raining and it was Valentine's Day. (I think I may have established that already.) So my awesome history teacher let us out early and in Russian class we just played around and really didn't do anything, which was fun. Ooh, and when I was walking back to my car, I saw this bumper sticker on the back of this Toyota that said "I love Wakulla Springs." I MUST get one. I'm not a big fan of bumper stickers, but I love Wakulla Springs. I saw it, and I thought to myself, "Wow, if Sarah were with me, she'd punch me and start going off about how she was going to buy me a bunch of them and I'd have to stick them everywhere." (Yeah, you're laughing cuz you know it's true, Ponch.) After I made it to my car, I went and got my blood taken, and thankfully, unlike Todd, there was nothing of note that happened there.
I finished up Leviticus this weekend. Now I'm onto Numbers. Math was really never my subject, but we'll see how it goes. There's a lot of cool stories in Numbers that I don't read very often, so I'm looking forward to rediscovering them.
Tonight is girl's night out and we're going to the dollar theatre to see either "Ray" or "The Polar Express". It's gonna be great!
Pink Carpet Bible Study is tomorrow! That's so exciting. I think we're going to watch the second half of the Stephen movie (if we get to it... :0)
Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day, or Singleness Awareness Day, or Girl Empowerment Day, or whichever you prefer. Arrivederci Principessas!


Rebekah said...

You are important! I promise! I made the decision at 5:00 am in the morning. What did you really expect?!? I am sorry I wanted to go but I had gone to bed at 1 and the thought of waking up 4 hours later was not a pleasent one! Anyways! I will talk to you later!

Anonymous said...

I just have to say that I love the name you have for your Bible Study.. PCBS! AWESOME! I am glad that you guys had fun with all of your outings!