Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Today was Tuesday!

Today I feel: In love with Tuesdays.

Okay, so today was like an awesome day because it was Tuesday, and that means.... (as if you haven't figured this out already) PINK CARPET BIBLE STUDY! Hooray! But that happens at the end of the day, so I'll just save the best for last. :0)
I had a national government test today, which although was multiple choice, it was way harder than I thought it would be, so I hope I did good on that. Nevertheless, I love test days because you always get out early. So, at 9:13, I got to get in my car and come home instead of waiting around until 10:00. And then I drove to FSU later and got a parking spot in a record 2 minutes! Exciting stuff that was. I went to Subway and got my last stamp needed to fill out my card. :0) So that means free sub tomorrow! I always cheat the system with the Subway stamp thing. See, I get veggie subs because they're only $2.49 and then, once I get all my stamps I get a really good one for free. So tomorrow it means I get a good one. Even though, I kinda like the veggie ones, because i always get so much stuff put on my sandwhiches I don't really taste the meat that much anyway. Plus, it's like $1.50 less, which, if I saved a dollar fifty every day for my college career, that would add up to... like $2000. Whoa. That's insane. Anyway, Sarah, being the accounting major and all will probably be the only one that finds that really exciting.
Okay, so I went running today and I went all the way down to the Circle K, which I don't know how far that is because Jenna was supposed to clock it. Actually, I'm gonna call her real quick. Just a second...
....Uh, she forgot to hit her spedometer button. I guess I'll just figure it out tomorrow. It's not all that far, but it's farther than I usually jog, so that was good. There's this graveyard that's on Monroe Street like, right past Christian heritage church, and I went through there because it's really pretty and there's flowers everywhere and stuff. Okay, so you might think that's morbid. But I thought it was kinda peaceful. There's this big statue/monument thing of the Bible with Psalm 23 engraved in it, and it was so pretty. It got me thinking about Mrs. Marie Spillman's funeral that was on Saturday. For those of you who don't know Mrs. Marie, she was this old lady in our church and she was probably one of the most encouraging people I've ever met. She was at every service, every wedding, every funeral, every choir rehersal, every pot luck dinner; she was at everything. The only time she wasn't at church was when she was in the hospital. She really viewed the church as her family. It didn't matter if she knew you or not. If you had a need, she was there. You were her family. A brother or sister in Christ, and that was just as important as a "blood" relative. Anyway, she died last Monday, and it was so sad because everyone was so used to her being there. I mean, she was 85, and I know she's in a much better place, but it was still sad. At her funeral on Saturday, the choir and orchestra played because she loved the choir so much and she really wanted them to sing when she died. And then people gave pop-up testimonies of how Mrs. Marie had blessed their lives. I think every member of our church could have said something if we would have had time. Lori beat me to it, but she talked about how before her and I went to Ukraine last year, we had made a prayer chart with all the days we would be gone. We wanted people to sign up to pray for us for a day and have all the days covered before we left. Well, me and Lori announced to the church when we were leaving and how we had the prayer chart, but at the end of the service only like 5 or 6 people had signed up out of the 400ish people in that service. So we were kind of discouraged. But then, right as we were leaving, Mrs. Marie and her daughter, Mrs. Barbara (who is also totally awesome) came and said that they would take every Tuesday. (like I said, Tuesdays are great days.) While they were signing up, Mrs. Marie kept pointing out the days that were open and would say, "Oh, sign us up for that day" and "Sign us up for that one too." She and Barbara eventually filled in all the open days. All of them. It was so sweet. I knew that we would be more than covered in prayer for the summer. They were definitely people you can count on to pray. Anyway, that was just one of the many testimonies that people gave about how Mrs. Marie had blessed their lives. I don't think there was a dry eye in the church. I hope that when I die that I will have had half as much influence as Mrs. Marie did. Even at her funeral her primary concern was that Pastor John give an invitation so that everyone there would hear the gospel. How cool is that? When I get to heaven, she'll be one of the first people that I want to see.
I guess I'll talk about PCBS later because my brother is being mean to me and he demands that i get off the computer now. Arrivederci!

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