Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The results are in...

Gosh, everytime I go to get off the computer I remember there's something I could be doing that's better than homework. Alright, y'all. You voted and the results are in. Rabid Koala Bears won the poll with twice as many votes as anything else. So I will be destroying the X-box with rabid koala bears as soon as I get some. Being that "bears" had an "s" on the end, that means I'll need at least two. Although, I probably would have put a "couple of koala bears" or a "pair of koala bears" if I had meant two. So, let's go for at least three. If you would like to donate a koala bear to Calyn's Koala Bear Fund: please send it to:
Kenley Stringer
Scarlett Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32303
Mr. Stringer will be glad to take care of the koala bears until I know what to do with them. If they're already rabid, that's perfectly acceptable and actually preferred, because it will eliminate some of the steps. Please include a note stating whether or not the koala bear already has rabies or any other diseases it may be infected with. All donations are tax deductable. Thank you again, and if anyone would like to borrow the koala bears after I am done destroying the X-box to destroy their own X-boxes, I will be happy to let you use them.

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