Thursday, February 10, 2005

Today I feel: cold. Мне холодно! I'm sitting here slurping hot chocolate wondering why it went from 80 yesterday to 30-something today. And also why the temperature of my house always seems to reflect the temperature of the outside world. My mother seems to not understand the greatness in using of one of the most awesome inventions known to man- the heater. Hence the hot chocolate. So while I shiver here listening to to Ewan MacGreggor sing Come What May (I am still not tired of it, Christina) I'll tell you about my day. Actually, I'll bypass most of my day and just tell you the memorable parts. (Memorable not necessarily representing good.)

8:12- Start my car and leave late (once again) for Political Science class.
8:38- Arrive to the TCC parking lot to find that they've closed off with yellow tape the parking lot that I usually park in.
8:39- Go find a not so good parking spot in a farther parking lot.
8:40- Set my Sci folder on top of my car and watch in frustration as the wind blows all the papers all over the parking lot.
8:40:27- Go to pick up the papers and shut my car door to keep it from hitting the car next to me.
8:40:28- Realize as the door is shutting that I have already locked the doors and that my purse, keys, glasses, pen, and cellphone are sitting in the seat. Грусный день.
8:40:31- Stare longingly at my purse.
8:41:14- Stare longingly at my purse.
8:43- Pull myself together and decide that since I'm already late to class and since I do have my folder, I should go to class and worry about my purse later.
9:47- Get out of class and attempt to use my friend Mary Anne's cell phone to call home to work on getting some keys.
9:48- Try for the 3rd time to make a phone call and see those evil words "Searching for service" appear at the top of the screen.
9:54- Go to the student union to see if I have friends there whose cellphones I can use.
9:55- Find friends. But alas, none of them have cellphones. Go figure.
9:56- Get a lecture from one of Hunter's friends telling me I should keep a spare key. I DO! It's just that it's in my purse...
9:57- Borrow change from Hunter and David and use the payphone. (what century are we in? I had to remember how to use one of those.)
10:45- Eventually get some keys delivered. And drive to FSU where I was extremely careful as I was shutting my door.
Just to let y'all who think I'm really scatterbrained know, that was the first time I've ever locked my keys in the car. So be merciful.
Anyway, for those of y'all who don't know, has a superbowl halftime movie preview. They're making Peasant's Quest into a full-length feature film (at least they say that) so y'all should check that out. I would definitely go see that one. Oh, and also, I feel your pain, Special K. (By the way, I think Christian country is alright. You didn't specifiy when you said it.) I don't know how I'm going to make it 38 days, 2 hours and 21 minutes more without diet coke. No wonder Baptists don't celebrate Lent.
I would love to stay and talk peoples, but alas, I must go do stuff. Stuff is sooo overrated. Arrivederci principessas!


Todd G Sapp said...

Dare I ask for a translation of Грусный день?

Calyn said...

It's my translated version of Tamara's now-so-popular phrase "Sad Day". Dare I ask what you thought it meant? Oy.

Anonymous said...

calyn, it's hilarious! especially грустный день и холодно. i check out your blog every day... it's so witty... спасибо что делишься со мной своими мыслями и новостями.

Jenshka said...

Once again, I must say: another amusing post from Calyn. Nothing of note ever happens to me. My posts are so boring.