Sunday, February 20, 2005

Fire hydrants, tiny jackets, and luminous frisbees

Today I feel: Kinda sad because it's Sunday night and tomorrow's school... But it was a great weekend!

Wow, what a busy weekend. Friday me and Dad played basketball, which was a lot of fun for me, but not really for him because he twisted his knee and couldn't really walk most of the weekend. I think he'll live, though. He needs some new knees. Maybe I'll get him some for his birthday. And then I went to the Wyman's house and me, Shannon, Diane and Leera (sp.?) had a party to watch the Notebook. Me and Shannon did Taebo, and that was really fun. We looked like total idiots and I fell over a couple times, but it was great. Then when Diane and Leera came over, Zoolander was on T.V., so we had to watch that, because it's such a great movie. "How can we teach the little children to read good if they can't even fit inside of the building?!" "Just because we have chiseled abs and stunning features doesn't mean our friends can't die in a freak gasoline fight accident..." Oh, that's a great one. So after that was over we watched the Notebook, which was about the sweetest/saddest movie I have ever seen. I was crying like, 30 minutes after it was over. It was pathetic. But if you haven't seen it, you should because it's really good.
I spent the night at the Wyman's and in the morning I went home to get ready for Cowboy Up! Yeeeeehah! I jogged to Northwoods, which was exciting, cuz I'd never done that before and then I hung out with everybody and we played ultimate frisbee for like, 2 1/2 hours! It was awesome!!! And at the end I went on the mechanical bull, like I said. I think I did pretty good. I can't say that I mastered it, but at least I tried. I think there was like, 1,000 people at Cowboy up, so it was a pretty good turnout.
Then last night my aunt and uncle from Atlanta came into town and we hung out. They're really cool. I spent the night at Lori's so we would have more room for them at my house and then I went to church this morning and then to drama practice, and then to taco bell, and then to youth. At R.O.C. we listened to a sermon by Andy Stanley, who's the pastor of Northpointe Church in Atlanta and it was a really cool sermon, talking about why it was great to wait until you're married to have sex. He made it sound totally common sense. It was awesome. and then, the best part! After youth, Ultimate frisbee again! Gorgeous weather, an open field and Paul's light-up frisbee. it was awesome. Our team rocked! We lost by one, but "E" for effort, everybody, especially to Aaron, who, while running had a fire hydrant jump up and hit him and he and flipped over it trying to catch the frisbee for a score. MVP award goes to Aaron!
The best part of the whole weekend was at the very end. Jake, (a.k.a.- Jake the Cake) found Amanda Lloyd's jacket sitting in the grass and decided he would put it on. Now, Jake, Jake is a very big person, and Amanda, well, she's a very small person, and so she has a very small jacket. Jake kinda got stuck in it, or something and he had his arms out to the side because if he would have brought his arms down he would have ripped the jacket, which wouldn't have been good. (Daniel said it didn't matter because Amanda had like, 16 of them anyway... :0) But Jake was trying to get the jacket off, when Amanda comes around the corner, she sees him and starts yelling at him. So he takes off running, arms out, off into the parking lot with Callie and Amanda chasing after him screaming. He looked like a bird. I wish I could have taped it. Maybe you just had to have been there. But it was funny. I hope everyone else had a great weekend! Tomorrow's my mom's birthday, so I need to go because I need to make a card. Arrivederci!

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