Sunday, February 27, 2005

Maybe I'll let Kenley keep the koala bears

I think I may have achieved a sort of victory over the X-box. After 2 months and 2 days of X-box live my parents have finally decided to limit my brothers to one hour a day. We'll see how long this lasts. However, for the time being, I am very excited about having my T.V. back and getting to go to bed earlier without hearing Cameron yelling to all of his little friends in a headset. (Because, in order for them to hear him, he just has to yell. There's no other way to communicate, apparently.) Maybe I'll actually get to see my brothers now. For a while I wondered if they still lived here. (And then I'd see all their clothes lying on the floor in the bathroom and the toothpaste all over the counters and the water all over the tile and I'd remember.) Anyway, I was reading Alec's webpage yesterday and I came across an entry he'd made last October, just after his break when he came home for a week from college, and I just thought I'd stick it here. Not necessarily to chastise all my X-box playing friends, but to let the others like me out there know that there is, in fact, at least one member of the male species who knows where we're coming from. Here it is.

"We ended up playing X-Box a mojority of the time and although it was entertaining, looking back it was clearly a waste of time. As a result, I have gained a deeper disdain for such entertainment. Not only does it steal your time, but it also creates a lack of intimacy and depth in relationships. Yes, you get to spend time with the guys, but what is really accomplished at the end of the day? Well, everyone has blisters on their thumbs, some guys are frustrated with eachother because of the game, and none of the relationships have gone anywhere, except maybe farther apart. You may pass this off as an unjustified rant against an inanimate object, but I beg you to do otherwise. "

1 comment:

Jenshka said...

Well, that's encouraging. What's Alec's webpage? I didn't even know he had one.