Saturday, March 05, 2005

Tire Alignments are awesome!

Today I feel: Like it's really Spring Break now!

This morning Cam and I got up (so early!) and ran in the Shamrock Scurry over in Killearn. It was a 5K run, so it wasn't very long, but it was a lot of fun. The weather was gorgeous! Not too hot, not too cold. Just right. And I won a door prize!!! I never win anything and I WON!!! So what's my great prize? It's a free tire alignment at some car place. Okay, before you laugh and say that's a cruddy prize, my tires always need aligning, so it's a good thing. It really is. Plus, I won. That's all that matters. We got awesome T-shirts that have four-leaf clovers and leprechans on them, which is very exciting because as most of you know, I'm obsessed with St. Patrick's Day. Speaking of which, awesome news. JARS OF CLAY IS COMING TO DO A CONCERT AT FSU FOR FREE on St. Patrick's Day. (For those of you who are not as obsessed with St. Patrick's day as I am, that's Thursday, March 17th. Shame, shame.) I am soooo pumped. We're all going. Well, at least me, Jenna, Todd and Lori are. The rest of you better be too. They're one of my favorite bands. I really don't like concerts, and I've always said there's only 3 people I would pay to see in concert: Caedmon's Call, Michael W. Smith and Jars of Clay. So it's way cool that the Jars of Clay concert is free. But on that note, I am a lot richer today because I got paid for playing in the wedding which is OVER!!! Halleluia! But I can't stick my cello in the closet just yet, because Mrs. Linda wants me, Karina and Tamara to play offertory tomorrow. Yuck. We're playing something really easy though, so hopefully my hands won't swell up to the size of basketballs. That would be a plus. Anyway, i'm gonna go over to the church now to meet the bus and see everybody that went on the conference. I'm so excited to hear about it. Arrivederci!


TX said...

Hey Yoshik!!! ;) read your blog...
So you are playing cello. Wow. Would you play for me ;) please!
p.s. Have a nice ROCK on the concert!!!

TX said...

Somewhere 1 hour i'm trying to find "Blogs I Read:" in my blog. I can't find it!!! I know i'm stupid (тормоз).

please, sos!!!