Sunday, September 04, 2005

You Got Punk'd!

Okay, just for the record, Brandon Myrick is the best Ashton Kutcher ever. I just wanted to put that out there for y'all.
Tonight after youth the drama team did "Dinner and a Show" and we did an episode of Punk'd and it was so much fun. Shoutouts to all of my actors! If we had credits, they would roll like this. (*Imagine the rolling. I'm not that good with technology...)

Dinner and a Show
Brandon Myrick: Host, Ashton Kutcher
Jenna Myrick: Hostess, Band Member, Wax Figure
Chris Myrick: Eminem, Band Member, Wax Figure
Calyn Reber: Avril Lavigne, Wax Figure
Josh Sapp: Band Member (with a great Scottish accent), Wax Figure
Christian Horton: The Monster in the Closet, Band Member, Wax Figure
And Starring Paul Fenstermaker as: Todd Sapp
Special thanks to: Jim Day and Todd Sapp for being "AWESOME!"

Thanks, guys! Y'all are so awesome and dedicated and I wish I could give you all Oscars or something. Oscars. That makes me think of Sesame Street, which makes me think of "C" is for Cookie, which... oh, never mind.
I'm listening to the Robbie Seay band on Rhapsody and he's singing that part in that song, "Wake up, wake up o my soul, wake up to find that I am loved..." You know, that part that got stuck in everyone's head at camp? So, I just wanted to share that with all of you who went to camp so that it will also get stuck in your heads. :0) You know you're singing it right now...
So, tomorrow's the big game. Me and Jenshka are gonna ride our bikes over to campus (Mr. Robbin would be so proud...) and get free stuff and see if there's anything exciting to do, like 88.1's free Chick-Fil-A party, if anybody wants to come. My house. Lunch time. BYOB (That's "Bring your own Bike" in case you're confused.) Oh, and if you're freakly good at biking (by the way, Roma invented the word "freakly" and we should all start saying it, because it's awesome.) then you may come, but you have to pretend like you're not good so me and Jenna don't feel like slapping you. Actually, Jenna will probably be just fine, because if I recall, there was a little Bike Trip that took place in June that she went on... so, it will just be me that feels like slapping people. We'll leave FSU in plenty of time to watch the game, though.
Oh, we announced it at youth, but High School Girls! Bible Study at My House starting this week on the infamous pink carpets! (There's also a new rug that everyone must see. It's Orange!) Come for our kick-off party this Thursday at 7:00! Have a wonderful Labor Day everybody! Arrivederci!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Today I told Roma he was gonna have Freakly kids (I'm not sure why we were talking about that) the word is fully in use on my end. It's gonna spread everywhere!
You guys are freakin awesome! I wish I could have been there to see that amazing drama you did!

see you Thursday.... :)