Sunday, December 18, 2005

Celtic Christmas at Shenanigan's

After a long day of going stopping by Todd's house to pick up a key to the church, then going to find Lori's laptop plug, then going back to Todd's house to deliver the key, then going to the Holiday Inn church to meet Jim to figure out how to work the projector for tomorrow, then waiting for Jim for 45 minutes, then running into my Dad, then planning our presentation, then going to the mall, then running into Lerah, Chris, Brandon and Jenshka, then finding Christmas presents, then losing my purse, then finding my purse, me and Lori and Mom and Mrs. Cheryl went to Shenanigan's for the 4th "Celtic Christmas" with the McInnroy's. It was awesome. We had so much fun. I even gave a toast. Not like the bread kind...okay, well, y'all are smart people. Here's some pictures:

Me and Mom

Lori and Mrs. Cheryl

Me and Loritchka

Me giving a toast...with diet pepsi. That was a new one for them.

And I dyed Lori's hair tonight!!! Yeeeessssss. Arrivederci!


TX said...

I'm excited with your toast-photo!
Very nice! :)

Anonymous said...

Her hair looked very good!