Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I just want to let you all know...

I just got back from class and my professor said sentences ending with "yeah?" at least 6 times today. He would make statements like, "And you remember hearing this, yeah?" Or "We discussed the Golden Age of Poland, yeah?". Stuff like that. So there.
I'm still waiting to hear how many of y'all do it. Results are better on my xanga. I've gotten a lot of "yeahs" to "yeah?". Not so many on the blog...oh well.

1 comment:

Todd G Sapp said...

Just for the record...I think it is great that Calyn ends sentences with, 'yea?'. It is one of her many charms. I do not 'mock' her. I imitate her the way you would repeat lines from a great movie. So I hope her survey finds that many of you end sentences that way. It will make the world a funner place, yea?