Monday, December 26, 2005

Quotes o'the Christmas

"I love the smell of new books." -me
"I hate books..." -Cameron

"Uh! Gross. He was sitting on me and he ate a treat and then he spit his crumbs all over me and just walked away!" -Chris
"Who, Cameron?" -me
"No...the cat." -Chris

"Every time a bell rings, I get a new order of wings!"

"Don't fret, Calyn. We can reinstall W.O.W. (World of Warcraft) on your computer." -Chris
"Yeah, don't cry, Calyn." -Cam

"Look, Calyn. William gave you his computer!" -Cameron

"That is unnatural." -Lerah Ashburn

"P. F. Chang!" - me (as formerly stated by Sarah Wirgau)

"Man, Chinese people must think we're really wierd." -Cam
"Why is that?" -me
"Well, I mean, we celebrate this fat guy in a red suit and give each other presents."
"Cam, we celebrate Jesus' birth, and what do you mean, Chinese people?"
"Well, it's like, what if in China they celebrated with a skinny guy in a green suit? That would be just weird."

I just wanna say that I think the best gift I got this year was when I opened up my stocking and inside was a bag of just yellow and green gummy worms. Because Mom read my blog and found out that I like the yellow and green ones best. (That is faithful reading.) She went to the candy store and picked out just the yellow and green ones. That was the best.

Merry Christmas everyone! Oh, and uh, Happy Boxing Day if you're Canadian, eh?

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