That you can tell a lot about a person by what kind of earrings they wear.
That computers are not really the enemy...sometimes.
That if your clothes aren't fun, don't wear them.
That cameras are the greatest invention known to man.
That 100 pictures...okay, like 130 pictures in one night is not too many.
That it is also not a waste of time.
That even I can eat Arby's if I really try.
That starcrunches are a great forgotten pastime.
That you're never too old for a sack lunch.
That some people really do return things when they borrow them.
That second grade smiles are not just for second graders.
That taking French is not a good idea.
That sleep is not really necessary during the week.
But that weekends are made for sleep.
That creative people come from Creative Preschool.
That backbones can be made out of popsicle sticks.
That being from Wakulla does not make you Wakullian.
That it's okay to boo people...sometimes...
That when things annoy you you can completely deny its existence and ignore it completely.
That your hair does not control you. You control your hair and make it bow to your will.
That you can never quote Zoolander too many times.
That Kaaawaaaaanza is a fun long as you have story time with Lerah.
That you can never be too awesome.
That you can never tell yourself that you are too awesome too many times.
That God is always working in people and making them more and more awesome every day.
I love Lerah!!!
OH my gosh. So I just looked at all of our pictures that we took...they're going on the blog. There's tons of them. It's amazing. I'm so going to print some of these out tomorrow. These were taken at the Festival of Lights Parade. Me, Lerah, Diane, Shannon, Lori, Mrs. Rachel and Katie Greenwell were there. So fun.
Me and Loritchka
Mrs. Rachel, Shannon, Diane, Lori and me
The infamous Nims Middle School banner. Notice how they spell the word "whatever." I don't even want to go into that...
We found Katie!
We decided to line dance while this girl was singing. Yeah, it was amazing.
This snowman was a little scary.
She is so gorgeous.
We're gonna rob the Arby's.
Bleen, they have a surveillance camera...
"I am a beautiful butterfly..."
1 comment:
Um. I definitely love you, Calyn.
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