Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Quotes O'the Day

"*loud gasp. I may buy a rubix cube instead of this light saber!" - Brandon Myrick
"And so, anyway... wait. Stop. I can't talk and walk at the same time." - Jenna Myrick

So I went to Walmart by myself tonight. Partly because I am a loser, partly because I convinced myself that I needed a break from my homework, partly because I didn't make anything for the party we're having in our Slavic Culture class tomorrow and I needed to buy something and partly because I needed to do some Christmas shopping. But it sort of turned into a party at the ghetto Walmart because Jenna and Brandon were there Christmas shopping (who've decided that they can pass for twins-

I think they could definitely pass for twins.) and so I was shopping with them and then we found David, who was buying weight-loss smoothies for Anna...yeah, we didn't really understand that's 'cause she got new wires on her braces he said. But that still doesn't explain the "weight-loss" thing. Anyway, then we saw Jesse who was buying a $1.00 stuffed animal for some girl because he told her he'd buy her a present but his budget was $3.00. I guess he made budget. So it was pretty exciting and I spent far more time than I intended playing around at Walmart. So now it's almost 1:00 and I still have gotta do all that homework...good plan, Calyn. Arrivederci!

Oh, I need to conduct a poll. How many of you occasionally make a statement and then put "Yeah?" at the end of it? For example, "You're going to Bekah's birthday party Friday, yeah?" Or, "You have a shirt like that, yeah?" Because Todd seems to think that I'm the only one who says that, but I think far more people say it than he thinks. He just needs to get out more. You don't have to say it all the time, but if you do sometimes, let me know. Thanks.


OMH said...

Gotta say that the "yeah" sounds like you've been arguing with yourself and you've finally come to an agreement. But don't feel like your alone my 3 year old grandson says it (he also says to himself "I have a great idea" and off he goes). But hey anything that makes you YOU is a GOOD THING, yeah!

Anonymous said...

I say it Calyn. And I get paid millions for talking!

Anonymous said...

HA Oprah comments on your blog, that's pretty awesome! I say Yeah at the end of things all the time, but I think that is because I have been around you and Kenley a lot lately!

I suppose I am a loser. I went to Target by myself. However, I didn't see anyone I knew!

Jenshka said...

I say it, but you already know that.

Anonymous said...

ok, so I'm not really Kenley, but since we all know that he says it too...I thought I would post for him (b/c he doesn't post) so, as Kenley, I will say:
"I say that too, Calyn."